Nurseries, Pre-Schools, Child minders, Clubs and School Trips

We would welcome enquiries from any groups that would like to use our woodland.
We are set in a safe and beautiful forest clearing, with easy access, a large car park and toilet facilities. We offer a range of activities and resources, for children which are most appropriate for children who are confident walkers up to Year 1 and these are linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and Key Stage 1 Curriculum. We can plan and fit in with a particular theme, project, topic or literacy book focus you may have at your setting or you may want to use our woodland to develop your Outdoor Skills, Eco awareness or engaging children more in nature.
Popular themes we offer, include Fairytales, Lighthouse Keepers Lunch, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Aliens Love Underpants, Owl Babies, Gruffalo, Stickman, Where the Wild Things Are.
We have a 2 day Paediatric First Aider on site, and are very happy to share our risk assessment documents with you. We always spend time with the children sharing our safety rules at the beginning of each session. For more information on how we could accommodate your needs, as well as timings and prices, please email us at worcesterwoodlandexplorers@gmail.com